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Monday 12 May 2014

Simple Custard Powder Icecream


  1. Custard Powder-3 or 4tbsp
  2. Sugar                 -1 cup or as required
  3. Milk                   - 1/2 litre
  4. Cream                -3 tbsp


Boil the milk in a saucepan, reserving 3 tblsps of milk aside.
Mix the custard powder in the 3 tblsp of milk into a smooth paste without any lumps.

Add this custard mixture to the boiled milk and keep the flame low. Stir it continuously for 2 minutes. The mixture will give a thick custard..
Add sugar to it and put off the flame.

Allow this custard to cool down completely.
When done, add cream to this and whip in the mixer for a minute.Pour this mixture in a freezer safe box and freeze it for an hour.

After that take out and whip it again for a minute. Repeat this step 2 times . this is to avoid the formation of Ice and to get a creamy texture.

After doing the whipping process for 3 times, freeze the ice cream mixture for 5-6 hours.

Your custard powder ice cream is done.

Serve with fruits if you want.

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