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About Me

Hello there ,                                         
It looks like nowadays not many people have time and/or mood to cook food at home.I am Jesni Siraj. I am a house wife living in Abudhabi,United Arab Emirates. I am from Kerala,India.Most of the recipes I listed are Indian Recipes.I am very glad you’ve stopped by to read my cooking blog.And I think, even less of them are actually enjoying the process of making home food, they probably think: making food is hard or boring.So I really hope you will find recipes posted here useful, tasty and fun to prepare, and you will actually enjoy cooking them.

I hope you like my site, and If you can’t find here a recipe you are looking for feel free to ask me about it: if I know how to make it – it will be added to the site as soon as I can.I also will be happy to answer any questions about recipes I’ve already posted: all of those recipes are done by me, photographed by my better half and eaten by both of us (me and my hubby), so all those dishes are real homemade food we eat on daily basis...As you probably noticed, I am posting new recipes on daily basis,or twice a week.. join with me in facebook (,google plus( ,you don’t miss updates. I also will be happy if you join me there to discuss recipes, homemade cooking or even just for fun.I really think what by cooking food by your hands you are not only giving yourself and your family a chance to stay healthy, but you are also showing relatives you do care about them. I think it is important to know what is on your plate. Indeed, we are what we eat… So make your food yourself! And yes, Enjoy Your Cooking!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your valuable comment...Yes I am interested to join your site..
    Thanks again..

