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Monday 5 May 2014

Sardine Fry (Kerala mathi Fry)

Nutritional facts:

Sardines are rich in numerous nutrients that have been found to support cardiovascular health. They are one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been found to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels; one serving (3.25 ounce can) of sardines actually contains over 50% of the daily value for these important nutrients. Sardines are an excellent source of vitamin B12, ranking as one of the World's Healthiest Food most concentrated in this nutrient. Vitamin B12 promotes cardiovascular well-being since it is intricately tied to keeping levels of homocysteine in balance; homocysteine can damage artery walls, with elevated levels being a risk factor for atherosclerosis.

  1. Sardine – 8 – 10
  2. Ginger – 1 inch piece
  3. Garlic – 5-6
  4. Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
  5. Pepper powder – 1.5 tsp
  6. Chilli powder – 1.5 tsp
  7. Curry leaves – 1 sprig
  8. Salt – To taste
  9. Oil – For shallow frying

1. Clean and cut the sardines. Make gashes on both sides of the fish. Grind all the ingredients to a paste except curry leaves and marinate the fish with this ground mixture for around half an hour.
2.  In a pan pour some oil and place some sprigs of curry leaves. Now lay the sardines over the curry leaves and fry on medium heat turning them to the other side in between. Switch off and serve immediately with rice.

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