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Thursday 29 May 2014

Cucumber Lemon cooler

Most people are unaware of the immense health benefits of cucumber and would avoid eating cucumber where possible. Fresh cucumber may taste “bland” to some but its thirst-quenching and cooling properties are refreshing. It acts as an anti-oxidant when taken together with fried and barbequed foods.It may helps in acidity,high blood pressure,water retendation,hair growth etc.One of the serving method of cucumber as follows.It is tasty cooler.


  1. Cucumber - 2 or 3 small sized
  2. Lemon Juice -1 small lemon
  3. Sugar - 4 tblspn or to taste
  4. Salt - 1/2 tsp or to taste
  5. Cold Water as needed 


  1. Take a cucumber and peel them up. Remove seeds and chop them into cubes.
  2. Add this to blender along with Lemon juice ,sugar& salt.
  3. Add some cold water and puree them.
  4. Now strain this mixture through a fine sieve.
  5. Pour them into a glass.
  6. Serve cold.

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