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Wednesday 11 June 2014

Easy Sweet wheat ada.(South Indian Recipe)


Wheat flour/Atta-3 cups
Coconut grated-1 cup
Cardamom -3 no.s

Jaggery- 4 cubes
Salt-As required
Water-As required


Make a dough with flour by sprinkling water and add salt(Like chappathi dough)
Divide dough into equal balls.Set aside,.

Now we can make the filling
Boil the jaggery with 1/2 of water and melt it.

Filter the jaggery to remove  wastes(if any in there)
Then add grated coconut

Add in cardamom then stir continuously to thicken the filling.

Take the wheat balls and roll them Not too thin.

Put 1 tbsp of coconut jaggery mixture into it and fold them.

Seal the outer portion of the small chappathi.
Make all the adas like this and Use a steamer (Idli Kuttakom).

Wait for 20 minutes or until steam comes out through the sides of lid.
Our sweet wheat ada is ready..
It is an awesome breakfast recipe try it..

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