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Friday 1 August 2014

Musk Melon Juice

Try this amazing cooler during breaking the fast.. Healthy Juice ..Shamaam.(Musk melon)..great taste... Enjoy it..


  1. Muskmelon or Shamaam, any size- half
  2. Sugar - As required
  3. Milk-1 cup


  1. Rinse the musk melon in water. cut into half.remove the seeds.
  2. Then slice them into long pieces.
  3. Remove the peel and separate it from the flesh.
  4. Chop and add in a blender. add the sugar.
  5. No need to add water. Add milk and blend till smooth.
  6. Pour the muskmelon juice in glasses and serve muskmelon juice immediately.
  7. You can add ice cubes if desired.

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