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Saturday 19 April 2014

Onion pakoda | Ulli vada Recipe

  1. Onion: 1 large or 2 medum, sliced.
  2. Green chillies-chopped
  3. Gram flour: 3 to 4 tbsp or maybe a little more if needed.
  4. Rice flour: 2 tbsp (optional)
  5. Chilly Powder: 1 tsp.
  6. Asafoetida (kayam): A pinch
  7. Turmeric Powder: 1/2 tbsp
  8. Curry Leaves: 1 spring, chopped.
  9. Baking Soda: A pinch
  10. Salt: 1/2 tsp or as needed.
  11. Water: As needed.


  1. Slice the onions,chop the chillies..
  2. Mix the sliced onions,green chillies  in a bowl and add in the gram flour and the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Add little water and mix well with your hand preferably.(the consistency is not so watery or not so thick).
  4. Heat a heavy bottomed pan with oil for deep frying. Drop them as small balls each into hot oil..
  5.  Deep fry till crispy and golden brown, strain into a tissue paper.
  6. Serve hot with tea. Enjoy Tea time :)

Serve hot with tea.

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